Tuesday, August 16, 2011

View my Perception

Full potential. For a few seconds I felt as though I owed everyone, but at the same time, they don't let what they have done to me stop them from living life. After today I will never look at anyone the same. My perception has changed. I'm happy with what I have planned for myself and nothing and no1 will stop me from thinking highly of myself. Some may consider this to be wrong. Well that person(s) have their own opinion. I'm not going to stress myself out for anyone and I'm not kissing any one's ass. I'm not perfect, but I'm loyal, understanding and I will and have done what I can to help people out. I know for a fact that I don't deserve to be treated the way that I have been. I love myself and I know my GOD Grandpa & Grandma love me too. I'm happy with that.

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