Sunday, April 24, 2011

Siri Kuponda By Reality Dreamer

I think I'm in love with my crush.....
Just the sound of his name makes me weak to my knees
but I'm not soft
I just enjoy lay'n in his arms and the feel of his touch as he whispers in my ear "I LOVE YOU"
I just may love my crush......
but it's not that much of a rush since I've known him so long & every butterfly in my stomach agrees that we're meant to be more than Adam & Eve.
So it's normal to me to know "I LOVE MY CRUSH!"
It's the look in his eyes when he uses that thing between his thighs that makes me moan with pride as we develop that love inside which will last a lifetime in our eyes

It's how our souls they connect, since the day we first met
and my heart took a step towards our love
Maybe it's a lil much to want you so much...
But see.....
It's my heart that's putting me up to this.
N my mind is no help when it's lost in emotion in a world that revolves around you.
"I LOVE MY CRUSH!!!!!!!!!!!"
See your more than my crush your my heart
My motivation to be a better Woman  to help make our dream better than a fairytale
I  truly love my crush, my everything, my heart.......
Because your crazy enough to love me to

Loved by my Angel

For the first time I can actually say that I'm in love. Never in a million years did I think that someone would make loving me seem so easy.

saved love

Do you wanna be expecting?

I want a lfe with you and the child we made, kuz we made that. my plans is ur plans and the other way around. goodnight baby. see u tomorro

u need to be right here with me.

I love and care about u sincerly. You are what a woman is suppose to be n that makes me want to keep you in my arms all the time.

I felt this way about u in middle school.

Steph i really love do love u and i hope that this is real.

As a Man...Ur Man...Ill do anything to make sure we are okay. I promise!!!

Im happy I found you once again.

Some things are better left unsaid...but telling u and showing u I LOVE YOU will not be one of them.

I can't get sick of u baby...I love u too much.

I love the way u think. So ahead of ur time....

Well u have two boyz and a man. if you love me then love me all the way bcuz i will.

As strong as our relationship is now id do any and everything4 u, because of how u deal with me. I know u would never put me in harms way or harm onto others,especially those important to me. How u made me fel better after my feelingswere hurt shows howmuch u are there 4 me. Im at the point of why wait 2 speak vows to be there 4u until death when u mean so much 2 me now.

Baby im really all the way in it with you. 100percent.

I fucking love u.......CAKE

I  know u do lol. Thats y i'll never step out of place....NEVERRRR

The hardest part is when they stop coming.....

Touched by an Angel

We, unaccustomed to courage

exiles from delight

live coiled in shells of loneliness

until love leaves its high holy temple

and comes into our sight

to liberate us into life.

Love arrives

and in its train come ecstasies

old memories of pleasure

ancient histories of pain.

Yet if we are bold,

love strikes away the chains of fear

from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity

In the flush of love's light

we dare be brave

And suddenly we see

that love costs all we are

and will ever be.

Yet it is only love

which sets us free.

                                              -Maya Angelou