Love: To feel tender affection for somebody. Such as a close friend or relative, or something such as a place, an ideal or an animal.
How do you define something that can be so versatile, with one plain definition? To make it seem so easy, but so hard to truly understand. Not saying that it can't be true, but is it for you to decide, or a Google definition? So many people now a days define love by what they see in romantic movies, love songs or someone close to them. Love can be defined in a variety of meanings. With different people, religions, and languages. No matter how you put the words together, shouldn't they reflect the same feeling?
" I do not trust people who don't love themselves, and yet tell me; I love you." There's an African saying which is: be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt." -Maya Angelou
So when telling someone you love them, shouldn't you feel the same way about yourself? As I've stated before. A person can make you feel complete, special, powerful, intelligent, and like there's no one that can bring what you do to the table. So when you feel that way about yourself, it should be that much greater. "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it's destination, full of hope." It's the feeling of commitment to something special. Something that's close enough to your heart that it triggers a sense of urgency to your mind. The VERY same commitment that LeBron had to earn a Championship ring, Impersonal love is what helps define your character. Personal goals, experiences or interest that make you unique, and relatable at the same time. Anyone can love. A person with a personality disorder and a bit of narcissism can endure love. Just as a four year old telling their parents how much they love them. Regardless of how limited it is. It's there.
Others wonder. "Is lust and; love the same thing? " Helen Fisher, an expert in the topic of love, divides the experience into three stages. Lust, attraction, and attachment. Lust, the sexual chemistry; attachment, the commitment factor(wifey status) The stage that most leap towards a little to soon. Meaning skipping over attraction, and just going from lust to love; often ending in resentment. Although lust does contribute to a formula for love. It's not enough to base a relationship off of. Attraction is the foundation that molds into what "Can be" a wonderful relationship, friendship or experience. Or just a waste of pheromones.
Love builds up the broken wall and straightens the crooked path. Love keeps the stars in the firmament and imposes rhythm on te ocean tides, each of us is created for it. -May Angelou
Erich Fromm, author of "The art of loving," clarifies that love is not a feeling, but also an action. That the feeling of love is superficial, in compared to someone's commitment to love overtime. With this being said. Is it possible to fall in love at first sight. If love is more then a feeling, then how does a brother and sister love each other unconditionally well before knowing one another? Does the definition change depending on circumstances? Or is it just another rule, and regulation forced onto something that should be free spirited?
Love is unique when it comes to more than one individual, religion and language, but the intentions are all the same. From times to Ancient Greek, the word agape( I love) Eros(In love) to the concept Ai, developed by Chinese philosopher Mozi, in the 4th century BC. In reactions to Confucianism benevolent love. More so directed towards unconditional love. The words may differentiate, but the meaning is universal. Sa'di wrote.......
The character of Adam are limbs of one body. Having been created of one essence. When the calamity of ties afflicts one limb. The other limbs cannot remain at rest. If you have no sympathy for the troubles of others. You are not worthy to be called by the name of "man".
This being of no difference then the Christianity understanding, that love comes from God. Christianity also sharing Greek words for love agape; in the New Testament as charitable, selfless, and altruistic. Philae, also in the New Testament, meaning human response, to something that is "brotherly love". Also Eros, the sexual love, or desire another is succeeded. Yet we still take time to knock others value, and belittle others morals, because they don't fit our standards. Some call them free lovers. Free love, being the freedom from state regulations. Started in the early 19th century. Some took part in believing marriage was important to the middle class. Free love, also negatively called sex radicals, were grouped as adultery. Youth having sex, any form of birth control, abortion and homosexuality.
"Some think that love is all flower and good times, but I think that love is more than just that. Love is the bad, as well as the better. Not lived alone, but a journey together. Something that only the closest can share, with communication and respect."-Nikki Giovanni
How do you regulate, or judge love, and still feel you understand the meaning. What makes your love more important to those of the same sex, or someone who is young hearted? For love to be(or at least seem to appear) unconditional, you'd think everyone would have a better understanding of an "open heart." Years may have changed, but mindsets still seem to remain the same. Philosophical views try and describe the ethics, and attempts to explain the nature of love. The value tied to the affect it may have on the body. When reading the views stated. They still referred to the ancient Greek words Agape, Philae, and Eros. After all this research. My only understanding of love would be that its your choice. To feel tender affection for someone(Eros)a close friend. (Philae) or relative. Or something such as a place, an ideal or an animal(Agape). The definition provided is simple at sight, but just like life, it's up to you to create your own destiny. "We love because it's the only true adventure." There is always something to do." There are hungry people to feed, naked to clothe, sick people to comfort, and make well; and while I don't expect you to save the world. I do think it's not asking to much for you to love those with whom you sleep. Share the happiness of those whom you call friend. Engage in those among you who are visionary, and remove from your life those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect." -Nikki Giovanni
How do you define something that can be so versatile, with one plain definition? To make it seem so easy, but so hard to truly understand. Not saying that it can't be true, but is it for you to decide, or a Google definition? So many people now a days define love by what they see in romantic movies, love songs or someone close to them. Love can be defined in a variety of meanings. With different people, religions, and languages. No matter how you put the words together, shouldn't they reflect the same feeling?
" I do not trust people who don't love themselves, and yet tell me; I love you." There's an African saying which is: be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt." -Maya Angelou
So when telling someone you love them, shouldn't you feel the same way about yourself? As I've stated before. A person can make you feel complete, special, powerful, intelligent, and like there's no one that can bring what you do to the table. So when you feel that way about yourself, it should be that much greater. "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it's destination, full of hope." It's the feeling of commitment to something special. Something that's close enough to your heart that it triggers a sense of urgency to your mind. The VERY same commitment that LeBron had to earn a Championship ring, Impersonal love is what helps define your character. Personal goals, experiences or interest that make you unique, and relatable at the same time. Anyone can love. A person with a personality disorder and a bit of narcissism can endure love. Just as a four year old telling their parents how much they love them. Regardless of how limited it is. It's there.
Others wonder. "Is lust and; love the same thing? " Helen Fisher, an expert in the topic of love, divides the experience into three stages. Lust, attraction, and attachment. Lust, the sexual chemistry; attachment, the commitment factor(wifey status) The stage that most leap towards a little to soon. Meaning skipping over attraction, and just going from lust to love; often ending in resentment. Although lust does contribute to a formula for love. It's not enough to base a relationship off of. Attraction is the foundation that molds into what "Can be" a wonderful relationship, friendship or experience. Or just a waste of pheromones.
Love builds up the broken wall and straightens the crooked path. Love keeps the stars in the firmament and imposes rhythm on te ocean tides, each of us is created for it. -May Angelou
Erich Fromm, author of "The art of loving," clarifies that love is not a feeling, but also an action. That the feeling of love is superficial, in compared to someone's commitment to love overtime. With this being said. Is it possible to fall in love at first sight. If love is more then a feeling, then how does a brother and sister love each other unconditionally well before knowing one another? Does the definition change depending on circumstances? Or is it just another rule, and regulation forced onto something that should be free spirited?
Love is unique when it comes to more than one individual, religion and language, but the intentions are all the same. From times to Ancient Greek, the word agape( I love) Eros(In love) to the concept Ai, developed by Chinese philosopher Mozi, in the 4th century BC. In reactions to Confucianism benevolent love. More so directed towards unconditional love. The words may differentiate, but the meaning is universal. Sa'di wrote.......
The character of Adam are limbs of one body. Having been created of one essence. When the calamity of ties afflicts one limb. The other limbs cannot remain at rest. If you have no sympathy for the troubles of others. You are not worthy to be called by the name of "man".
This being of no difference then the Christianity understanding, that love comes from God. Christianity also sharing Greek words for love agape; in the New Testament as charitable, selfless, and altruistic. Philae, also in the New Testament, meaning human response, to something that is "brotherly love". Also Eros, the sexual love, or desire another is succeeded. Yet we still take time to knock others value, and belittle others morals, because they don't fit our standards. Some call them free lovers. Free love, being the freedom from state regulations. Started in the early 19th century. Some took part in believing marriage was important to the middle class. Free love, also negatively called sex radicals, were grouped as adultery. Youth having sex, any form of birth control, abortion and homosexuality.
"Some think that love is all flower and good times, but I think that love is more than just that. Love is the bad, as well as the better. Not lived alone, but a journey together. Something that only the closest can share, with communication and respect."-Nikki Giovanni
How do you regulate, or judge love, and still feel you understand the meaning. What makes your love more important to those of the same sex, or someone who is young hearted? For love to be(or at least seem to appear) unconditional, you'd think everyone would have a better understanding of an "open heart." Years may have changed, but mindsets still seem to remain the same. Philosophical views try and describe the ethics, and attempts to explain the nature of love. The value tied to the affect it may have on the body. When reading the views stated. They still referred to the ancient Greek words Agape, Philae, and Eros. After all this research. My only understanding of love would be that its your choice. To feel tender affection for someone(Eros)a close friend. (Philae) or relative. Or something such as a place, an ideal or an animal(Agape). The definition provided is simple at sight, but just like life, it's up to you to create your own destiny. "We love because it's the only true adventure." There is always something to do." There are hungry people to feed, naked to clothe, sick people to comfort, and make well; and while I don't expect you to save the world. I do think it's not asking to much for you to love those with whom you sleep. Share the happiness of those whom you call friend. Engage in those among you who are visionary, and remove from your life those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect." -Nikki Giovanni
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