Thursday, February 14, 2013

First comes.. Love?

It's almost becoming a pattern with me. My blog entry’s tweets and strides in life motivate me. It's no different from a rapper going on about what they want, have, and where they been to get to where they are. Or plan to be in the future. Right now my thoughts are love. So what would be better than Valentine’s Day to post a blog on defining love? Not that I don't have other goals. It's just what happens to me when I get in my routine. Find a guy or they find me, start a conversation which leads to a happy loving relationship. Then we split up. I take a year break, and run into another guy. So on and so on. ALWAYS with the intent on not falling......and then I come to that never ending fall off the most dangerous cliff I could find. I always survive, but the pain and bruises after getting caught up always leave a small scar. Getting trapped on that eerie emotional roller coaster and facing battles that have you debating your personal choices in life. Convincing yourself with.. "I should stay because, "or "He really does care about me!" All while thinking others don't stand a chance leading towards the terrible uncomfortable feeling of being kept a secret to the one you love unconditionally. Is this love? So many people these days define love by what they see in a romantic movie, a love song or with someone close. Not saying that it can't be true, but is it for you?  Can you base your love off of a fairytale or others perceptions?  

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