Saturday, September 11, 2010

le jour où mon coeur s'est arrêté (The day my heart stopped)

I miss the love that kept me sane
and my heart who knew how to heal all my pain                           
I'm ok being perfectly different                                                                                                              
others on the outside looking in
but I'm not ok not having you
Not one to settle down
but wanting to one day carry your last name
I know I should not be the one who should be with you
but my imagination keeps running away with me
my mind plays tricks
and my heart does flips
for a love that I don't deserve
a love full of pain and pleasure and all of the above
Everything about you came out as a lie                                                                                                  but I'm stuck......
caught up in a feeling that's oh so familiar
lost in your lies
but it's too late to cry
I'm done and through with what you do
but cant help that I think of you
The day my heart stopped beating........

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