Saturday, September 11, 2010

le jour où mon coeur s'est arrêté (The day my heart stopped)

I miss the love that kept me sane
and my heart who knew how to heal all my pain                           
I'm ok being perfectly different                                                                                                              
others on the outside looking in
but I'm not ok not having you
Not one to settle down
but wanting to one day carry your last name
I know I should not be the one who should be with you
but my imagination keeps running away with me
my mind plays tricks
and my heart does flips
for a love that I don't deserve
a love full of pain and pleasure and all of the above
Everything about you came out as a lie                                                                                                  but I'm stuck......
caught up in a feeling that's oh so familiar
lost in your lies
but it's too late to cry
I'm done and through with what you do
but cant help that I think of you
The day my heart stopped beating........

Self Assurance

A man can make you feel complete,special,powerful,intelligent and like there is no other that can bring what you bring to the table. It means so much more when you already felt that way about yourself. If a guy already knows what his worth is and is smart enough to see yours, why can't you? So many females talk about how Independent they are but fall weak when it comes to guys. Some begin to devalue themselves in order to fit into the guys radar. I just don't understand it. You are more than able to be yourself and still make it work,that is if he was truly meant for you. I'm not going to act like I'm perfect and never been in love. I've had that weak moment.Not wanting to lose the person who means so much to you. At the same time, don't you think he should love you for you. What should make you stronger is not who you're with but what you represent. What do you love about yourself? What makes you smile? What do you bring to the table that makes you special? If a guy truly wants to be with you he will be able to answer each question without hesitation. You can tell what someone wants from you by the way they approach you, or where they lead the conversation. Go with the person who leads to more happiness in your life, not stress.