Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reality Speaks the truth

Have you ever had a dream that you wanted to come true so bad???? Well that's how I feel everyday. My dreams motivate me to bring something new into the world. A reason to unleash my creativity, something that may help others. With role models like Michael Jordan, Tyra Banks, Kimora , Bow Wow and Vanessa and Angela Simmons, just to name a few, I can't help but try. The fact that age is truly just a number makes it even better. There is no age limit on success and the young entrepreneurs make that very well known. So that's one reason why I'm here. My goal for my blog page is to let you in on my dream. To give you the chance to share your feelings about my ideas. So ask questions, give ideas, take surveys. Just participate in my goal of creating a better environment.

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